BL04-26 AWAKEN to ABUNDANCE 30 Day Meditation Challenge Day 10

AWAKEN to ABUNDANCE 30 Day Meditation Challenge Day 10
AWAKEN to ABUNDANCE 30 Day Meditation Challenge Day 10

That was one of my favorites! I LOVE journeying into my energy field with Divine guides who awaken new parts of me and reconnect me to the truth - I AM THE FIELD OF ABUNDANCE!

Day 10 of The 30 Day Meditation Challenge Awaken to Abundance with Lakshmi Goddess of Abundance - Spiritual and Physical

We asked ourselves: "What is the current state of my ABUNDANCE at this time?" This means to look at the flow of happiness, energy, flexibility, laughter, opportunities, love, cash, clients, and all aspects of life.

Are you in flow? Are you Stuck? Two sides of the same coin... change the current...

Also LOOK into this "What if I had everything I think I want? How would it feel?"

A mixture of fear or guilt, and joy and disbelief often come up. Explore where you are in this area, because some of my clients actually block or are shocked how "Unprepared I was to get everything I wanted!" as one client said after working with me!

That's why they call me the fairy godmother!

Enjoy day 10, a wonderful Abundance FLOW Activation with Lakshmi Goddess of Spiritual and Physical Riches! Get re-attuned to your "Fully Funded Mission" - and journey with Lakshmi to the field of abundance where you will reclaim the flow that is yours and expand your heart, feed your root and nurture your essence.

Today we will go on another Journey with Lakshmi and her abundance chant  -listen to the beautiful version at this

It is highly beneficial to chant it  in your mind or outloud, alone or with someone chanting it like the recording above.

"Om Shreem MahaLakshmiyei Namaha"

You can chant this while looking into the Sri Yantra from a previous email and meditations Day ? and ? too...

Leave me comments on Facebook or hit reply here to share what you are experiencing in this 30 day challenge... I know my FLOW has really increased!

Love abundance,
Video replay is also available.

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BL04-26 AWAKEN to ABUNDANCE 30 Day Meditation Challenge Day 10
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