Energizing Objects of Power

These objects that energize you and lift your mood could also be things that are mundane. Every day things are something that you inherited from your grandmother or something that you just like the way it looks and it lifts your energy up.
Energizing Objects of Power

What are energizing objects of power?

Since everything is Energy... even you, you are affected by ALL things (energy) around you.

So this week we dive into the simple yet powerful technique of having POWER OBJECTS on or around you and your home or office to Lift Your Mood.

These objects can be ones that carry and bring special power or energy because of where they’re from or what they’re made of. That would include things like statues, crystals, paintings or even stones you found on the ground in a secret site.

These objects that energize you and lift your mood could also be things that are mundane. Every day things are something that you inherited from your grandmother or something that you just like the way it looks and it lifts your energy up. 

These objects (because of who you think of when you see them) can energize you and raise your vibration. They can also be blessed or communicated with consciously so as to interview them within powering energies.

Energizing Objects of Power
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