Clarity, Grounding, Gremlins/Negative Self-talk with Akasha and Kathy Quinton
Clarity, Grounding, Gremlins/Negative Self-talk with Akasha and Kathy Quinton
BlissLife Global Healing Series 2 Soul Purpose Awakening with Kathy Quinton
She is a certified Life Coach and the owner of Quintessential Coaching. Her life’s purpose is to help people find and use their own amazing gifts to bring about their wellbeing, fulfillment, and success. Kathy believes that happiness resides in what we think about and how we pursue our personal and professional action plans.
She is a certified Life Coach and the owner of Quintessential Coaching. Her life’s purpose is to help people find and use their own amazing gifts to bring about their wellbeing, fulfillment, and success. Kathy believes that happiness resides in what we think about and how we pursue our personal and professional action plans.
Due to publish in a few months, Kathy’s upcoming book focuses on how we can proactively shift our thinking from negative to positive as we work to create a fulfilled life. She’s also developed a supplemental workbook of concrete actions to help cement the changes.
Along with her coaching books, Kathy is also the author of a children’s book series about a lovable bookmobile that comes to life and helps children discover the joy of reading. She is currently working on the third book in this series, and firmly believes that the keys to knowledge should be available to all, no matter where they live.
Kathy currently lives in Massachusetts with her husband. She is a mother of three grown children and grandmother of six whom she tries to “empower the heck out of” as they grow!
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