Working with the Arcturians to Accelerate our Ascension with Carol Nayach and Akasha
Working with the Arcturians to Accelerate our Ascension with Carol Nayach and Akasha
BlissLife Global Healing Series 2 Soul Purpose Awakening with Carol Nat
The Arcturians first connected with Carol years ago, as soon as she picked a channeled book, showing them she was ready and willing to make a connection.
The Arcturians first connected with Carol years ago, as soon as she picked a channeled book, showing them she was ready and willing to make a connection.
The Arcturian Helio-Ah came straight in through her crown chakra and started working with her through her heart. Carol later discovered that she is an Arcturian Starseed and has been working diligently with these Star beings and other ascended masters ever since, channeling their multidimensional energies. Not many people had heard of the Arcturians at that time and not much was known about them. Now interest is in them is growing as our consciousness level is expanding and they very much wish to reach out to everyone who is open to connecting with them. Carol is humbled to be able to share what they have to bring through her at this time and has made it her life mission to spread their message. Carol channels the Arcturian Light frequencies to groups and individuals through channeled meditations, personal and planetary work, as wells as and in one-to-one sessions, whether in person or online.
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