All Episodes
Displaying 31 - 60 of 305 in total
Entering the Golden Realm of New Lemuria with Waxela Sananda
Entering the Golden Realm of New Lemuria with Waxela Sananda
It’s Time to Be Unapologetically You! with Louise Matson
Decipher the Meaning of Your Sickness
Intuitive Awakening Celebration with Rhys Thomas and Donna Marie
My Near-Death Illness & Shamanic Rebirth Gift
New Years Readings with Akasha
New Years Readings with Akasha
New Years Empowerment and journey to the portal of 1-12-21 with Akasha & Louise Matson
New Years Empowerment and journey to the portal of 1-12-21 with Akasha & Louise Matson
New Years Healing
A Welcome to the Infinity Healing Chamber of Light and a channeled message and healing from several of the goddesses in the Goddess Sanctuary.
Potent Manifestation 11:11 Portal with Akasha and Donna Marie
Potent Manifestation 11:11 Portal with Akasha and Donna Marie
Soul Blueprint and Profile Readings with Akasha
Soul Blueprint and Profile Readings with Akasha
Working with the Arcturians to Accelerate our Ascension with Carol Nayach and Akasha
Working with the Arcturians to Accelerate our Ascension with Carol Nayach and Akasha
Quantum Healing thru your Akashic Record with Lisa Barnett and Akasha
Quantum Healing thru your Akashic Record with Lisa Barnett and Akasha
Dolphin Healing & Vibratory Assistance in Holding Your Light with Donna-Marie and Akasha
Dolphin Healing & Vibratory Assistance in Holding Your Light with Donna-Marie and Akasha We had a blast - you will laugh, cry and raise your vibration off the chart...
The Galactic Council of Light Guidance with Jenny Schiltz and Akasha
The Galactic Council of Light Guidance with Jenny Schiltz and Akasha
Clarity, Grounding, Gremlins/Negative Self-talk with Akasha and Kathy Quinton
Clarity, Grounding, Gremlins/Negative Self-talk with Akasha and Kathy Quinton
Tools to Increase Your Life Force Frequencies for Inner Power with Akasha and Dr. Joan Hangarter
ools to Increase Your Life Force Frequencies for Inner Power with Akasha and Dr. Joan Hangarter
Frequency Adjustment & Your Crystalline DNA with Akasha and Cathleena Hailley
Frequency Adjustment & Your Crystalline DNA with Akasha and Cathleena Hailley
Divine Healing For Challenging Times Akasha & Christopher Macklin Soul Purpose Awakening Series
BlissLife Global Healing Series 2 Soul Purpose Awakening with Christopher Macklin
You Are an Infinite Being with Akasha and Pam Oslie
BlissLife Global Healing Series 2 Soul Purpose Awakening with Akasha & Pam Oslie You are an Infinite being and right and now is THE time to remember that. Pam and I w...
Navigating Shifting Timelines with Ease & Grace with Akasha and Louise Matson
Navigating Shifting Timelines with Ease & Grace with Akasha and Louise Matson
Accelerating your Awakening with the Universal Sphere with Akasha, Paul and Holly Marwood
Accelerating your Awakening with the Universal Sphere with Akasha, Paul and Holly Marwood
Soul Purpose Awakening Journey with Akasha
Soul Purpose Awakening Journey with Akasha
Soul Purpose Awakening Crystal Bowl Chakra Akasha Rhys Thomas Raquel Reyna Life Purpose Profiles
Soul Purpose Awakening Crystal Bowl Chakra Akasha Rhys Thomas Raquel Reyna Life Purpose Profiles
Soul Readings & Soul Healing in the Infinity Healing Light Chamber
Enjoy the Soul Readings and a beautiful clearing and connection to your Soul. Get the Soul Star Awakening Course here
Mystical Full Moon Creation
Did you feel the glow in the night? This full moon is mystical, magical, and full of creative inspiration for you to open your Soul Seed of inspiration!
Fire & Light Attunement
Fire & Light Attunement
Full Moon Fear Cleanse and Preparation for the Lion's Gateway Passage
Full Moon Fear Cleanse and Preparation for the Lions Gateway Passage
The Spiritual Meaning of Getting Sick
The Spiritual Meaning of Getting Sick
3 Biggest Blocks to Living Your Soul Purpose
3 Biggest Blocks to Living Your Soul Purpose
Summer Solstice Celebration and Revelation Readings
Summer Solstice Celebration and Revelation Readings
Gaia Channeled Messages & Healing with the LightBody Council in Infinity Healing Chamber with Akasha
Enjoy this Healing journey into the Infinity Healing chamber connecting with each of the light body healing counsel and receive messages and a rebirth with our beloved...
Soul Purpose Reading
Soul Purpose Reading with Akasha